Former Met Police Murder Squad Detective turned Commercial Property and Business Expert Joins Panel of Business Warriors Speaking at Blackpool Business Expo. 

photo shows Paul Crossley of Kenricks Commercial Estate Agents

As a child growing up on the Fylde Coast in the 1970s Paul Crossley of Kenricks Commercial Estate Agents (pictured on the right) grew up surrounded by small businesses. 

His maternal grandparents owned the then well-known and popular Green Dolphin Restaurant on Central Drive in Blackpool frequented by many of the celebrities and stars of that era. 

His grandmother on his father’s side ran The Continental Hotel on Queen Street, a place Paul will tell you he was conceived there some 58 years ago. 

Despite his family background and being surrounded by local businesses Paul decided his future was with the Metropolitan Police in London.  

So in 1985 the same year Paul’s Uncle James Kenrick Established Kenricks Commercial Paul joined the Met aged 20 and served for over 17 years becoming a Detective on the Murder Squad in North London. 

In 2002 having transferred to GMP to be nearer his son Paul handed his warrant card back and started his second career in Commercial Property. 

Paul bought the family business Kenricks from his late Uncle James Kenrick who was retiring. 

Paul went on to build on the established Kenricks brand, continuing to provide a dedicated customer approach to selling, leasing, letting, and managing commercial property and businesses across the Fylde Coast. 

Approximately 5 years ago due to Kenricks excellent reputation Pattinson Auctions approached Kenricks and invited them to be their sole Commercial Estate Agent partner in the area. 

Paul says “when we were initially approached by Pattinsons, I was slightly sceptical, but that scepticism disappeared very quickly when we started successfully selling a huge range of commercial property and businesses “  

Since that date Kenricks partnership with Pattinson Auctions has gone from strength to strength with Kenricks selling more Commercial property than any of the other partner Estate Agent up and down the Country. 

Paul said “Kenricks and Pattinsons decided to sponsor this year’s Blackpool Expo because we believe the Expo is a great platform to highlight the advantages to local businesses of selling their commercial property and businesses through the online auction.” 

Paul went on to say, ”There’s often a misconception that selling by auction is the option vendors choose when they’ve exhausted all other possibilities. When in fact, selling by auction can secure you the best price and often for more than your reserve price.“ 

Over the years Kenricks have seen buyers from all over the world successfully bidding and purchasing property and businesses in Blackpool, some without even viewing. 

Over 37 years in business means Paul and his team have dealt with pretty much every scenario and it hasn’t always been plain sailing but surrounding yourself with the right team has been key to their success. 

Blackpool Business Expo Organiser Nichola Howard said: 

“When you speak to Paul, he’s enthusiastic about sharing some of the lessons he’s learned along the way, it’s good to hear from people who have been there themselves, to show other entrepreneurs that even in hard times with the right mindset, there’s always a solution.” 

Paul will join the Survival Skills for Business Warriors panel discussion in the morning at Blackpool Business Expo as well as spending the day with us so if you’re looking for some honest transparent advice come and say hello. 

To find out more about what to expect at Blackpool Business Expo, click HERE

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